I’ve noticed lately we are re entering that phase and kick of wanting to renew lifestyles and make drastic changes to our bodies. As a people we are very unsatisfied with the realization we live a sedentary lifestyle. I too have fallen prey to this phase. I’m currently dieting and trying hard to change my lifestyle to be more sugar free and higher proteins and whole wheats. I’ve lost a lot weight and a few inches so I’m feeling good, but WHY am I doing this?
I’m doing it to feel better about myself in all aspects of my life. My confidence took a big hit last year and I’m working very hard to regain it. I’ve decided that I’m tired of looking in the mirror and not seeing myself. I’m seeing a shell of what and who I am. It’s time to reshape, reform , and renew.
Dieting and exercise is more of a battle of the mind than it is the battle of the fork. Having to think about the foods you eat is nearly as exhausting as running 2 miles a day. Also, preparing meals that fit inside your plan can be expensive. I’m thoroughly enjoying cooking all of my meals again, but the money and time spent can nearly make you want to give up….but don’t do it! It is SO worth it!
I’ve started to look great in clothes again and I’m buying sizes I haven’t worn since HIGH SCHOOL! I’m also getting much braver in my wardrobe and my personal look. Pretty soon I’m going to do something drastic to my hair…so be on the lookout for that folks….
All in all I’m both happy and PROUD of my decision to better my health and my look. I encourage everyone to take a real good look in the mirror….and LOVE yourself! No matter what you look like…BUT…if you feel you could do better thank do it! Don’t do it out of vain ambition to look like a model…do it to look like YOU!
Always remember that YES you are perfectly and wonderfully made, but your body is also a temple so keep it clean!!!
I love you all….TNWM
~The Wanderer~
thats beautiful! and I am on the same path right now too! wish you were here or i was there so we could do this journey together. I feel like we spent sometime in our past being envious of eachother for different reasons, but I think we could have been the best support team ever if we gave it another shot! but my love and support is with you even from a far. wishing you the best on your journey to be the best you, that you can be! ~hugz~