Saturday, June 26, 2010

Thoughts on an empty library....bleh!

So here's the sitch...I at my University's library 40 hours a week...It's Saturday...NOBODY wants to be at a library on Saturday (least of all me). There are literally NO people here and the silence is so loud it is deafening! The very clock sounds as if it is trumpeting the horrifying news that I am stuck here another few hours...

Then I began thinking...and musing...WHY are libraries so terrifying when they are empty?! I find myself spooked at going to the third floor just because i feel some apparition might jump out at me or I'll be toppled over by a shelf of books and no one can here me call for help! Also, I feel as though I can feel the very life of the if it breathes! SCARY right? Hahaha I laugh at myself for these ridiculous thoughts, but what else can i do? Play text twist the whole day? (which by the by I am besting my dear friend carrie at...good luck!) And I would be reading a book, but the series I am reading has 12 books and I just finished devouring book 6 and can't afford books 7-12....SUCH a conundrum...oh well...*sigh* I guess I will be content with my hours of internet gaming and shelf reading until I finally get to go home to my dog and two fabulous roomates!

On a lighter note, I have started dieting recently and discovered I LOVE eating healthy! It has made me a much more agreeable person! I also feel proud every time I shed a few pounds as it makes me feel like I've really accomplished something. ...I just remembered my dog needs a bath....FAIL!!

Well that's all for know everyone : )


  1. You are already on the 7th book! Damn! HAHA. I just found my books that were in a box last week, so yeah I'm starting the first one all over again. :-)

  2. "here's the sich" I love it! So Kim Possible, if you remember that show:) Anywho, just wanted to say love blogging, I used to have a blog in library school. And my main reason for posting is that the "NOBODY" who wants to be at a library on a Saturday is ME!!! lol. I find the silence not deafening, but peaceful. Anyways, libraries are never really silent, the books are all calling to me from the shelf - "Read me, read me!" Yes, I am a nerd and proud of it:)

  3. hahaha i DO remember that show Am : ) but the reason the library is so dead to me is because it just has the feel of the pressure of the institution of learning all over it...finals, midterms, all the exams....its just BLEH! hahaha i'm sure if i ever got to work at a library that wasn't three stories huge and actually had anything interesting to read it wouldn't be too bad! and I am a huge nerd too and EQUALLY proud : ) i've been burning through a 12 book series that i'm SOON to also blog about!
