Friday, June 25, 2010

Welcome! ...and words to live by!

First of all I would like to thank anyone who starts reading this blog as I hope to inspire others with my words and thoughts! Now a little about myself. I'm 23 years old, live in florida (for now), and LOVE musical theater as it is my current major. I have alot of thoughts and ideas on the world around so I figured it was time to start writing them down! I love expressing my thoughts and feelings in the written word and i hope that I can be a light to others when they feel down or even just need a laugh! That being said I would like to start on my first topic...

Why is there so much stress placed on the future? I mean c'mon.....
A time for everything and to everything its place...these are definitely words I think we can alllll live by. I see so many times myself and my friends worrying about every little thing that happens or that "should be" happening or even just when we ponder future events. I say that the future will take care of itself. I don't know what faith everyone who reads this have, but I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and that God is teaching us things that grow us and make us stronger! I know what its like to "FREAK OUT!!!" but honestly there is no real reason to do it other than sometimes it just feels so dang good to scream your frustrations into a pillow or knock them out into a punching bag! I have seen these often frequent freak outs amongst me and my friends...and trust me they do NOT end pretty and usually leads to late night refrigerator raids...but as I said before this can all be avoided if we all just take a moment....and BREATHE! It seems such a simple solution...but just taking a moment for yourself and remembering why it is you're doing what you're doing or what dreams or goals you're reaching for is key in keeping your cool. For myself I am often plagued with what in the WORLDS am i doing after it grad school? "real world"? performance? teaching? The ideas themselves are not what my problem is, its the execution of those ideas and which one i want that keeps me up at night with ice cream sandwiches as a bunk mate...

I realized a few days ago that allll of my over stressing isn't even worth it! A time for everything and to everything its place...what is meant to happen will happen! All of those different ideas I have about my future are ALLL worth chasing, but I feel confident that ONE will open up and that is the door I will walk through!

SO what does all this mean? That I can breathe and focus on what matters most and that is MY life and seeking what is best for me and what feeds my passions! I hope these words have touched someone and that you can take comfort in my words!

Thats all for now everyone : )

1 comment:

  1. I think we all do it because we all want our "happyily ever after" and by judging where we are in life, it's a way to analyze if we're keeping pace to get what we "want". I agree with you, that it does no good, but I'd be lying if I said I don't do it on a constant basis lol but living in the moment is definitely the best way to go, and to think I learned that way back in acting class ;) go figure. keep 'em coming jerr bear
