Saturday, July 10, 2010

Growing Plants

I have always enjoyed walking in gardens. Plants and flowers have always had such a calming effect on me and I always enjoyed having them around. So I decided on creating my own garden and I wanted it to be a variety of plants that I have always found the most beautiful or interesting. I will introduce them each in their own separate blog piece so you have to be patient as I have begun a true garden and I have planted quite a few plants.
I thoroughly enjoy watching each and every one of them growing. I feel that my own personal growth is somehow connected to the growth of each and every one of these small beings. I have watched them grow from tiny seeds into the tall beautiful stalks that they have become. I am very excited for each and every one of them to flower and become the beautiful plants that I've envisioned them to be.

My first plant I want to introduce everyone to is the ever growing ever tall Sunflower!

So far this one is the fastest growing and most sturdy of all the plants. It started out as five seeds, but now they are five tall standing stalks! I am so proud of them as they grow. I can almost feel as if each has a name...but I won't know until they each have produced their flowers and find voices of their own. They are like my children and I care for each of them and love them like family. THAT I believe is the true secret to a successful garden. Fill the garden with love and it will grant you the peace and serenity required to live a more fulfilled and peaceful life. God put these plants here for us to enjoy...but also care for. It is a small service we can give back.


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